Having a baby is one of the greatest things that can ever happen to anyone. If you are a new parent, you probably have at least a million questions swirling around… How do I keep my baby healthy? Am I doing everything right? Is My Baby Getting Enough Sleep? Trust me, you’re not alone. I promise, I have been there before and even when you are as prepared as can be, it all feels like such a blur once your little one is here.
In this post I will be sharing the most important newborn health tips that will hopefully set your fears to ease and give you the confidence you need to care for your new baby. This guide compiles expert advice along with years the years of experience this pilot mama has under her belt (no pun intended) to help you give your little one the best start to life during some of those very first few months.
1. Breastfeeding: A Great Way To Start Your Baby

The Goodness Of Breastfeeding You already know that breastfeeding is the best way to feed your baby. Breast milk contains all the nutrients your baby needs to grow and develop a strong immune system. It contains a wide range of antibodies, enzymes and hormones which help protect your baby against infections and disease (1)
Some moms take to breastfeeding right away and others need some time to get the hang of it. I remember thinking is my baby even latching on and it was a few weeks getting into the swing of things. If you are having difficulty, do not be afraid to reach out for the support of a lactation consultant or your pediatrician. You can take things day by day.
Pro tip: Inflate yourself with water and decent foods when breastfeeding to work in that way calves stayed on the top level.
2. Safe Sleeping Practices

Even though it can seem like a daunting task to get your newborn to sleep, ensuring that they are sleeping safely from the very beginning is essential. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends having your baby sleep on his or her back on a firm surface, like a crib or bassinet to help prevent Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).
Soft objects like pillows, blankets or stuffed toys should not be in a crib as they can increase the risk of suffocation. We bought a hard matress with a fitted sheet and left our bubs sleep area plain which made me feel at ease
At NFC No more than 6 — 12 months of room-sharing but not bed-sharing. It allows you to keep an eye on your baby without increasing the chance of SIDS.
3. Bathing Basics

Because new baby skin is super soft and gentle, Burt Fireside Miracle cream can be obtained (this one or anything similar) so that acne condition will take place very well. Your baby only requires a sponge bath in the first few weeks especially until the original cord stump falls off. You can later progress to mini baths, but you do not need to bathe your new babe daily- just a couple time a week will keep their skin from drying out.
After trying various products, I learned that the plain baby wash (no fragrance) was best for keeping my infant’s skin soft and un-irritated After a bath, be sure to lightly pat your baby down dry and if necessary use a gentle lotion made for babies.
Important Note: Test on your own wrist or elbows too, before you put your baby in the tub. It should feel warm, not hot.
4. Umbilical Cord Care

How to care for your babys umbilical cord stump in the first few weeks is extremely important. To prevent infection, care for the area to keep it clean and as dry as possible. I folded my baby diaper down to ensure no rubbing or moisture around the cord.
The stump should fall off in 1 to 2 weeks. If you see redness, swelling or pus around the area, call your pediatrician. Ours fell off at maybe 10 days and we then swabbed it… which was totally fine for us but the key (for any age) is that you want to help it stay dry.
5. Diaper Changing Tips

You will be changing diapers way more than anything else as a new parent. The primary reason for changing your baby’s diaper is to avoid the discomfort and rash that can accompany a soiled diaper. I was surprised at how quickly we were going through diapers those first few weeks!
Wipe the area with fragrance-free baby wipes or a warm wet cloth and allow the skin to dry before you put on a new diaper. Using a cream with zinc oxide can make a barrier to prevent rashes, especially if your baby has sensitive skin.
Pro-tip: Stock up on diapers in various sizes before your baby arrives—you’ll go through them faster than you think!
6. Newborn Vaccinations

Getting your baby vaccinated is one of the best things you can do to protect your child from dangerous diseases. Newborns get vaccinations to help ward off hepatitis B, whooping cough, polio and other serious diseases during their first year of life.
When you are a new parent thinking of all the shots your baby will need can definitely be overwhelming, but these vaccines could save their life. Remember to follow the vaccination schedule and don’t hesitate to ask your pediatrician any questions or concerns you may have.
A helpful hint: Some parents soothe their infant during receive vaccinations by holding them closely or putting the baby to breast immediately after.
7. Bonding with Your Baby

It includes everything from cuddles and feeding to creating that strong emotional bond with your newborn. Throughout the first few days, skin-to-skin contact will assist your baby in bonding with you and controlling their core body temperature, heart rate and respiration.
Skin-to-skin contact was one of, if not the most magical things about the first days with a new baby. This also helps process breastfeeding success and soothe a baby that is crying. Dads and other caregivers can too attach to baby, establishing a deep bond with the newborn right from birth.
8. Caring for Baby’s Skin

Infants often get rashes or dry spots and babies have soft, delicate skin. My baby had a little bit of peeling skin (on the hands and feet in particular) but this is totally normal I found out.
To keep your baby skin safe always go with fragrance-free product which is available for babies only. You do not want to be giving your pet too many baths as this will dry out the skin. If they have constant rashes or dry skin maybe ask a pediatrician.
9. Colic: How to Soothe a Fussy Baby

Babies cry, it is how they communicate. But if your baby cries often and very hard, particularly in the evenings, he may be suffering from colic. It seems like colic is part and parcel of the first months, but when you are experiencing it there does not seem to be anything that you can do!
Some nights were HARD, and nothing would soothe her. I would try to give a rocking soothing session and have on white noise or offer them the pacifier. We calmed him down and he slept much better when we also tried putting him in a swaddle.
It is alright to pause, if it all feels like a little much. Put your baby down in their crib or a safe space and take some time to breathe.
10. Trust Your Instincts

Finally, one of the best things someone told me as a new parent was to trust myself. The reality is that no one knows your baby better than you, and even the best parenting books or advice from friends and family will never be able to fill in for your innate instincts. Go by your instincts and get in touch with the doctor if required.
We should definitely be well informed, but at the end of the day there will always be lots out there to stress about. Be patient with yourself and remember, it is okay to ask for help.
Final Thoughts
Becoming the parent to a new baby is one of life’s greatest joys, as well as challenges. Now you are more informed with these newborn health tips , ready to care for your baby so they can be at their best in those first few months. Before you get too upset, keep in mind that each baby is unique and just as much of you are a newbie. Be kind to yourself, follow your gut and savour every moment with your new little one – time flies by way too fast!